Grace Hopper

The first time I heard about Grace hopper was when I saw the Grace Hopper Conference, celebrated for woman around the world, which work in fields related to computer science. Seeing her story is truly admirable, I love how she invented the first compiler. That is amazing. 

One of the things I found amazing is that she is very personable. One of the quotes of the video was:

By the year 2000 70% of all active code in the world is COBOL code.

She was creating software for computers long before it was a thing.

One of the really amazing things is that she had great humor and sarcasm.  The way you see her express sarcasm and humor, really makes her incredible. She is an example for all of us, men and women alike.

She is really a wonderful spokeperson. Seeing her talks, really inspire you to make amazing things.

I’d love also how she was in the navy, not only did she enter a male dominated field, such as computing or mathematics, she did it in another male dominated field, the navy. She managed to rise through the ranks in both fields.

In my work at Microsoft, they give out scolarships for the Grace Hopper conference to people throughout the organization. I love that efforts like this are named after such a wonderful person.

I think she deserves more than she got, but I know she didn’t care for titles and names, like the code.

Nevertheless, I also saw an interview with her when she go to Letterman. She develops a good humor, and explains wonderfully everything.

An excerpt:

–“How did you know so much about computers?”

–“I didn’t, I worked on the first one.”

This is beautiful. Godspeed.

• “Grace Hopper – The Mother of Cobol” I Programmer.  Website. Pp 1, 2. 2013

• “The Queen Of Code”. Jacobs, Gillian. (16 minutes long), 2015
